Toyota Highlander

toyota_highlanderTalk about timing! On our recent press trip to Florida we were lucky enough to review a 2016 Toyota Highlander. We were unlucky enough to be there for Hurricane Matthew. In my original planning, I had this idea for a cute video where the 9 year old would point out adorable features of the car. She would smile and talk about roominess etc…

That plan went slightly awry as we had to deal with two days of per-hurricane winds, a curfew in Orlando, plans moving around and of course running for food!

That said, I realized, that this situation itself was the story. Imagine, the news is telling you that the Hurricane is the worst in 100 years. Stores are closing, there are 40 mile an hour winds, what car do you want to be in?

That’s when we realized that the Toyota Highlander is a good looking beast. It’s massive enough to hold your gallons of water that you buy for the hurricane. It’s trunk is massive and can haul your bags as you run from hotel to hotel with changed flights. I mean it helped our bags with well room to spare.

On top of that, it’s a beast in terms of the rain, and weather. Need to swerve to avoid a branch that fell in the road? Maybe an alligator that got blown in the wind? No problem.
But I said it was a good looking beast. It didn’t feel like I was in a truck. It didn’t feel like a Dad/Mom minivan. It is a good looking vehicle.

So while, I didn’t get the story that I wanted, I got the story I needed and survived the hurricane too!


is a Senior Writer with a focus on products for moms and moms on the go. Despite her background in speech therapy and communication, Margherita has developed a strong understanding of what mothers are looking for when it comes to products and services. As a proud Sicilian and mother of one, Margherita knows firsthand the demands and joys of motherhood. She's always on the lookout for new and innovative products that can make a mom's life easier and more enjoyable. Margherita loves travel writing and covering everything New York City has to offer. She enjoys exploring new destinations and cultures and bringing her readers along on her journeys. With a unique perspective and valuable insights, Margherita's writing is sure to inspire and inform moms everywhere.

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