Gladskin Products Are Protecting My Skin From Winter!

Who is already sick and tired of the winter cold?  This girl for sure.

Always happy to try out a new skincare line so naturally I was thrilled when these great products from Gladskin fell into my lap.  Check out a few of our favorites:

Face Wash ($16): so many soaps and cleansers I use on my face do the job of removing the “day” but they also strip my skin of any moisture and the “good stuff”.  This face wash is amazing as it works for sensitive skin and has no fragrance, preservatives or anything harsh or drying.  I apply to my dry skin and then lather and rinse.

Redness Relief Cream ($19-35): ok so this cream will totally help you with the cheek redness and bumps and you don’t even need a prescription.  This product balances your skin, calms it the heck down and then moisturizes.  Keep the good bacteria and say goodbye to the bad.  You will see a difference in about a week; recommendation is applying twice daily and allowing to absorb into the skin for a few minutes before applying any other product.

Makeup Remover ($20):  Ok my daughter is LOVING this product.  Just four ingredients (including almond and sunflower oil) and make up is gone at the end of the day without bothering the healthy bacteria your skin needs!  I love how it doesn’t irritate her eyes; so many products like this sting a bit.

Many other great products also – check them out!