When you have a baby, you want to make sure they are safe no matter when. I often wake up in the middle of the night thinking I heard my baby make a weird sound, or I just get nervous wondering if everything is okay, so I go check. I’ve even tried putting the crib next to my bed, but it is big and clunky.
We found the perfect solution! Delta Children has a bassinet that you can get to just the right height for your bed so your child and you are practically sleeping next to each other. I adore this bassinet! The mesh on the sides makes sure I can see my baby just by turning my head. I do not even have to lift myself to know everything is okay. The legs of the bassinet slide easily underneath the bed, so my baby can be as close to me as I want. We are co-sleeping without the dangers of actually sharing a bed.

Please read up on the dangers of sharing your bed with your baby, both the Canadian Pediatric Society (CPS) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have long advised new parents not to bed-share, warning that it’s dangerous and poses suffocation risks, along with a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
But with the bassinet from Delta Children, your child is safe sleeping where it can see and feel you. You can console it quicker, making sure everybody can go right back to sleep. It is a real blessing for those of us who are breastfeeding.
You can move it easily on the wheels that only spin if you hold the bassinet at an angle. So while your baby is sleeping in it, there is no way the bassinet will be moving around as the wheels are locked while the bassinet is upright.
And the design is just beautiful! it will fit in any decor. It is stylish and sleek.

My husband told me it came almost fully assembled, he only needed to put four pieces together and did it in less than five minutes.
Did I mention the storage pockets yet? Yes! It has side pockets, where you can keep some essentials within reach. (Burp cloth anyone?)
We are extremely happy with this bassinet. A real must for any new parent.