Exclusive Interview: A Chat with Justin Beyers, the Innovator Behind UVCeed

Justin with uv ceed
Justin with uv ceed

In the age of innovation, where technology meets the pressing need for health and safety, UVCeed emerges as a game-changer. Justin Beyers, the visionary behind this groundbreaking product, sat down with me to discuss the inspiration and creation of this cutting-edge UVC disinfectant system.

Maria Spanadoris: Justin, could you please start by telling us more about the UVCeed system and how it works to disinfect phones and other devices?

Justin Beyers: Certainly, Maria. UVCeed is the world’s smartest mobile UV light disinfectant platform. It attaches to the back of any smartphone and is 99.99 percent effective at killing germs, bacteria, and viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. What makes it truly unique is its combination of powerful mercury-free LED UV light rays, multiple sensors, proprietary technology, and an intuitive app. This app gives users the power, visibility, and confidence to protect themselves in real-time. Users can actually see what’s being disinfected in real time and receive confirmation when the object or surface is 99.99 percent safe. No other UV light device offers this feature.

Maria Spanadoris: That’s incredible, Justin. What inspired you to develop a smart UVC disinfection system, especially considering the current global health concerns like COVID-19?

Justin Beyers: UVCeed was born as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We realized that hospitals were already employing ultraviolet disinfection to prevent disease spread and wanted to bring that same capability to everyone. Our motivation was to offer an additional layer of protection that is not only powerful but also smart and easy to use, regardless of vaccination status or mask use.

Maria Spanadoris: UVCeed claims to zap 99.9% of bacteria, germs, and viruses, including COVID-19, within seconds. Can you explain the technology behind this impressive capability?

Justin Beyers: Of course, Maria. UVCeed leverages best-in-class UV-C technology, a safe method of killing pathogens without harmful chemicals. It uses 275 nm UV-C light from mercury-free LEDs to sanitize any surface in just seconds. With the assistance of an easy-to-use app, UVCeed employs artificial intelligence and augmented reality to guide users through the sanitizing process. It also incorporates object recognition to avoid accidental exposure and misuse.

Maria Spanadoris: How user-friendly is this product for families?

Justin Beyers: UVCeed is incredibly user-friendly for families. It’s equipped with proprietary technology that includes iCide Smart Dosage, ensuring the precise amount of energy is applied, and iCide Safety, which uses a state-of-the-art, machine-learning-based algorithm to reduce accidental exposure and misuse. This means that people, pets, and vulnerable objects are never exposed to UV-C radiation.

Maria Spanadoris: As a father of two boys, can you share any personal experiences that influenced your motivation to create a product like UVCeed?

Justin Beyers: Absolutely, Maria. COVID-19 was a major motivator, but even beyond that, germs are omnipresent, and we are exposed year-round to bacteria, viruses, and pathogens. Children, in particular, are highly susceptible. UVCeed provides a solution to target germs wherever they may be, helping to prevent potential illnesses.

Maria Spanadoris: What are some ways to use the device daily, both at home and in various professions?

Justin Beyers: UVCeed, being attached to your smartphone, is ready to work anytime, anywhere. You can use it at home, school, the office, on a plane, in a hotel room, a restaurant – the possibilities are endless. Whenever you feel the need to sanitize an object or surface, UVCeed is ready to help.

Maria Spanadoris: Can you describe some of the challenges you faced while designing and manufacturing UVCeed, particularly when it comes to ensuring safety and efficacy?

Justin Beyers: Ensuring safety was our top priority. We implemented various measures to prevent misuse, such as requiring the device to be placed on the back of the phone before use. Additionally, ensuring human detection worked reliably on various phone models was a significant challenge.

Maria Spanadoris: With your impressive background in designing and manufacturing medical devices, how has your prior experience informed the development of UVCeed?

Justin Beyers: We approached UVCeed with the same rigor we apply to medical devices. We used risk analysis, verification, and validation activities to make sure it is reliable and easy to use. Third-party lab testing was conducted to ensure its efficacy and safety.

Maria Spanadoris: What role does the proof of concept software application play in UVCeed, and how does it enhance the user experience?

Justin Beyers: Proof of concept hardware and software is crucial in the development of UVCeed. We used these iterations to improve the user experience, especially with augmented reality, which we had never implemented before. These iterations were pivotal in making UVCeed user-friendly and efficient.

Maria Spanadoris: Finally, with your extensive experience and involvement in medical device innovation, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make a positive impact in the healthcare industry?

Justin Beyers: Dr. Bonutti and Bonutti Research have been consistent in investing their successes back into research and development. This allows us to work on what we have a passion for. It’s also critical to protect your innovations by filing provisional patents as soon as possible.

Thank you, Justin, for sharing the fascinating journey behind UVCeed. Your dedication to safety and innovation is truly inspiring, and this product has the potential to change the way we protect ourselves and our loved ones.