Interview with Steph Mi

steph mi

We recently had the opportunity to interview Steph Mi, a multi-talented individual who made a successful transition from modeling to working in TV and film. Steph shares her journey of exploring new professional avenues and leveraging the power of social media to create opportunities aligned with her interests. Her show, Golf with Mi, has gained acclaim and popularity, and Steph reflects on the remarkable experiences and memorable moments from their ventures to diverse golf courses. Additionally, Steph discusses the importance of diversity in the entertainment industry, the role of social media in connecting with fans and building a brand, strategies for preventing burnout and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and her vision for a movement centered on unity within the creator economy. Steph’s insights and experiences offer a unique perspective on the dynamic world of television and film.

Maria: How did you transition from a career in modeling to working in TV and film? What inspired you to explore this new path?

Steph: I transitioned from a career in modeling to working in TV and film through a deliberate exploration of new professional avenues. My inherent interest in the realm of television and film had always existed, yet I awaited an ideal opportunity that would align harmoniously with my lifestyle and personal disposition. Leveraging the influence of social media, I proactively forged the pathway to create that very opportunity for myself. I still continue to model and will be part of San Diego Swim Week, but focusing on Golf with Mi.

Maria: Your show Golf with Mi has gained a lot of popularity. Can you share some memorable moments or stories from your travels to different golf courses?

Steph: Throughout the journey of filming Golf with Mi, our show has garnered significant acclaim and popularity. Reflecting upon this remarkable experience, numerous lasting moments and stories come to mind from our ventures to diverse golf courses. A particularly noteworthy occurrence was captured during our inaugural episode when we encountered challenges regarding golf course etiquette. Witnessing my personal growth and development on the course has been truly awe-inspiring. Each episode stands out as a cherished memory due to the unique blend of captivating guests, their distinctive personalities, and their exceptional golfing abilities. Since the show, I was able to play in Hypegolf’s Invitational and will be playing in Sports Illustrated’s Invitational in July.

Maria: Social media has played a significant role in your career. How has it helped you connect with your fans and build your brand? Can you share any strategies or tips for utilizing social media effectively?

Steph: Social media has undeniably played a pivotal role in shaping my career, facilitating valuable connections with my dedicated fan base, and establishing a strong brand presence. Referred to as my #arMi, these individuals transcend the conventional notion of mere fans as they are granted a glimpse into my authentic daily life. I prioritize engaging with them by responding to direct messages whenever possible, live streams, and showcasing relatable experiences ranging from the trivial to the momentous. The relationship between my followers and my brand has significantly contributed to its growth. One effective strategy I have found is to offer exclusive content that evokes a sense of desire and aspiration among my audience. Simultaneously, it is crucial to maintain an approachable and unfiltered online persona, fostering genuine personal connections. Embracing authenticity and interactivity are key principles for maximizing the potential of social media platforms.

Maria: As an advocate for diversity in the entertainment industry, why do you believe it’s important to have diverse representation in film and television? How do you think it can impact our culture?

Steph: As I’ve been saying before, part of my growth came from having relatable experiences. I believe in order to have that you have to have diversity. It’s beyond important to have diverse representation in film and TV. By showcasing a diverse array of characters and storylines, film and television can challenge stereotypes, break down barriers, and foster empathy and understanding among viewers. It allows individuals from underrepresented communities to see themselves reflected on screen, validating their experiences and affirming their worth. Simultaneously, it provides an opportunity for those outside these communities to broaden their perspectives, develop empathy, and appreciate the beauty and richness of our diverse world. We’re all different humans, and all of us deserve to have that connection while watching TV and film.

Maria: In a demanding industry like entertainment, how do you prevent burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance? What tips would you give to your colleagues in the industry to thrive without burning out?

Steph: Finding the elusive “off button” can be challenging when immersed in work. I designate specific days exclusively for personal time, which I fondly refer to as “Mi time” or “family time.” Over the years, I have learned the importance of carving out moments solely dedicated to self-care. To my colleagues in the industry, my best tips to thrive without succumbing to burnout are: firstly, establish dedicated breaks for self-care, prioritize effective time management to ensure that professional commitments do not affect your personal life excessively. Embrace the power of delegation and seek support when needed. Lastly, cultivate a resilient mindset by regularly engaging in activities that bring you joy and help alleviate stress.

Maria: If you could inspire a movement that brings positive change to the most people, what would it be and why? How do you think it can make a difference in society?

Steph: If given the opportunity to inspire a movement that catalyzes positive change for the masses, my focus would center on fostering unity within the creator economy. Working closely with a diverse range of creators and contractors, I have observed a prevalent issue of individualistic pursuits overshadowing collective success. While the desire for teamwork exists, the drive to emerge as the sole victor persists, even within team environments. A movement centered on unity, we can forge a shift that encourages collaboration, mutual support, and shared accomplishments.