With Fall and Winter weather being so unpredictable (I hear about high winds and hurricane like storms almost weekly now), I am thrilled to have an extra layer of protection for my family in Motorola’s Talkabout T480. When the power goes out and the cell towers go down, the T480 will bring us weather alerts and in constant contact with our community. They contain a built-in FM Radio to listen to your favorite station or news. I love the LED light; perfect for a blackout. This two-way radio is your one-stop savior in a bad weather situation. My family constantly discusses what we will do in case of an emergency. We have flashlights and candles in easy accessible spots throughout our home. The T480 provides us with NOAA weather alerts as well has a great button for us to send a distress call to our neighbors if need be. Inside the box Motorola provides you with a great wall/desk stand to charge your radios while the wires are safely stowed. These have awesome dual power using the NiMH rechargeable batteries and 3AA’s. I think I am actually going to bring these on our next family trip to a busy amusement park. I can communicate with other members of my party without interruptions and crystal clear. After having these for one week’s time I simply cannot imagine not having them in my home. For more information please visit http://www.motorolasolutions.com/talkabout. They can be purchased for around $59 on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Motorola-Solutions-T480-Rechargeable-Preparedness/dp/B00W75BLTU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1446513834&sr=8-1&keywords=motorola+talkabout+t480. You will truly sleep better at night having them charged and ready to go!