Obi-Wan Kenobi Trailer Released

The Obi-Wan Kenobi trailer just dropped announcing the new Limited series hitting Disney+ on May 5. If you’ve not yet heard about this show or seen the trailer, it is epic.


First of all, it shows Ewen MacGregor surprising his role of the Jedi master but also includes Hayden Christiansen and the role of Darth Vader. The star off the trailer in Tattoine but move around to what appears to be a few other locations.


If you were a fan of the Mandalorian then this will definitely be of interest. The quality looks unbelievably well done and it seems to be even more action and intense than the Mandalorian..


They are also bringing in characters like the Inquisitor‘s who have only appeared in rebels and fallen order. They sort of head the secret of Vader/Anakin but we all know it’s coming and you could hear Darth Vader breathing at the end. So far the fan reaction and seeing the trailer is completely insane. If you read the comments, people are absolutely loving the trailer that they’ve seen those far.


Are you looking forward to watching Obi-Wan Kenobi? Are you marking May 25 on your calendar?  By far this is going to be the biggest show we look forward to of the year.

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