Top Eleven Things That Greek Moms ALWAYS Do!

By Stephanie Daniil & Maria Ottomanelli (Greek moms)

Being raised as Greek-Americans there are a few things we’ve found to be universal amongst Greek Moms.

They tell you to eat! Food is a necessity in all Greek households.

Greek moms always ask a million questions, #1 being “Are they Greek?”

We’re not being loud, we’re Greek that’s how we talk.

We feed you avgolemono (soup made with egg yolk and lemon juice mixed with broth) if you’re sick!

A Greek mom will spit to counteract the evil eye every time a compliment is made.

In a Greek household, church is a formal event and we make sure our kids dress as if they are going to a banquet or a wedding.

Greek moms discipline by waving the koutala (wooden spoon) around and using a few choice Greek phrases.

😱True Story 😲😩#growingupgreekstyle #greece #greekmom #yiayia #greekfamily

A post shared by Growing Up Greek Style (@growing_up_greek_style) on Oct 1, 2016, at 3:55 am PDT

Or maybe a shoe…

Vacation in a Greek household consists of Greece, Greece, and Greece.

A Greek family event, such as a first birthday, consists of a mere 500 plus guests.

Ever wonder why Greek houses smell like Church? Greek moms bless the house on holidays, holy days, and the first of month (another way to keep away the evil eye).

Eat again!!! (repeat #1 A lot !!!!)

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