Welcome to the world of reality TV! It’s a world where drama, conflict, and tension rule the roost, and participants are expected to bring their A-game. With so many shows out there, it’s hard to keep track of what’s real and what’s not. To shed some light on the subject, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kara Alloway, a reality TV participant with a unique perspective on the genre.
Most Hated, Not Me
Kara Alloway’s debut novel, MOST HATED, is a fictional tale of six women who become embroiled in a reality TV show. While the show serves as the backdrop for their interactions, the book also explores the idea of internalized misogyny and how it can manifest in women’s behavior towards one another. Despite the title, Kara assures us that it has nothing to do with her. Shortly after the show aired, an article emerged citing her as the most loved and most hated Toronto housewife. As for whether she’s truly the “most hated,” Kara quips, “I think it’s safe to say the jury is hung on that one.”
Artifice vs. Authenticity
When it comes to reality TV, the line between acting and being oneself can be blurred. According to Kara, participants are not expected to act, but rather to improvise within the given parameters. While it’s true that drama and conflict make for good television, manufacturing it can backfire. Kara notes that audiences can detect artifice, and it’s up to the producers to create an environment where participants feel comfortable being their authentic selves. The key to success in reality TV, Kara says, is to show something relatable and aspirational.
The Edit is Everything
While the camera may not lie, the edit can be a powerful tool in shaping a narrative. Experienced producers can use creative editing to weave a story that’s both entertaining and truthful. However, there’s a fine line between essential editing and manipulative editing that characterizes participants in a certain way. Kara stresses that top-tier production companies like 32 Flavors, Truly Original, Evolution, or Shed Media don’t need to rely on manipulative editing to create compelling content. Ultimately, Kara says, it’s up to production to draw the viewer in and make them forget that they’re watching a filmed situation.
The Art of Reality TV
Despite its many flaws, Kara believes that reality TV is an art form. It’s a genre that requires skillful casting, strong production values, and a willingness to take risks. At its best, reality TV can be both relatable and aspirational, showcasing the best and worst of human behavior. Ultimately, Kara says, it’s up to the participants to bring their A-game and show the audience something they’ve never seen before.
Reality TV is a complex and multifaceted genre that’s both loved and reviled. While some participants may resort to artifice and manipulation to get ahead, Kara believes that authenticity and relatability are the keys to success. With the right production values and a willingness to take risks, reality TV can be an art form that showcases the best and worst of human behavior. As Marshall McLuhan once said, “I wouldn’t have seen it if I didn’t believe it.” So, let’s believe in the power of reality TV to show us something we’ve never seen before.