Organic is a term that has been thrown around loosely, but some companies, like Zucchi, take it very seriously. When they say their Extra Virgin Olive Oil is organic, they don’t just mean that nothing extra was added to it. They also mean the olive trees were grown without pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or weed killers. What’s important to me is that this isn’t just a claim. Zucchi offers its customers traceability. That means you can trace each of its products all the way back to the farm on which the trees were grown. Each bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil that Zucchi produces has a QRcode, a serial number and a verification code printed on the label. On the “Traceability” page of their website, you can enter the serial number and alphanumeric verification code to find out the products’ origins.
Zucchi’s goal isn’t solely about being traceable or completely organic. The company is also interested in continuing the traditional methods of olive oil production, and preserving the environment. Over the years, Zucchi has achieved these goals, and yet expanded their product line. We may think of olive oil as a simple extract and that’s it. However, there are actually many varieties of olives, and when they are blended, we end up with an even larger variety of olive oils.
Successfully blending oils is a culinary art form, and Zucchi calls such artists “Blendmasters.” CEO and Blendmaster, Giovanni Zucchi even wrote a book about it titled Olive Oil Doesn’t Grow on Trees. If understanding the blending process first hand and even creating your own blend is something you’d like to try, Zucchi offers “Blending Experiences.” Now that’s something I definitely want to do!
To explore Zucchi’s array of Extra Virgin Olive Oil blends, flavors, and recipes, check out their website, Mangiamo!