10 Long Island Photographers We’re Following to Get Through These Times

Here on Long Island, we are pretty much shut down with Coronavirus. Even if you do sneak out, there’s nowhere exciting to go. You can go to the park or the park or maybe the park.

So when you need to escape, the best escape can be following a local photographer. With a photographer’s eye, they can see the world through a lens you’ve never used before. They can use a sense of perception that will hopefully help you break away from the reality of Covid-19 on Long Island.

So, below we’ve compiled our favorite 11 Long Island photographers to follow on social media.

1) Years ago, it was unheard of to find Bald Eagles on Long Island. Now, you can find them in Centerport. Or at least, have photographer Charles Santangelo find them for you.


2) Matt’s portraits have a serene and pensive quality. Definitely one to follow to get a piece of Long Island life.

3) Gardiner Park is a hidden away park in Long Island and it has an almost mystical quality in this shot.


4) These south shore homes are majestic but also feel dangerous riding along the water. Here you can feel the peacefulness.

5) In the middle of the suburban sprawl George took a cute impromptu photo just through a bride.

6) This is a different project, taking Facetime photos and a virtual photo shoot.

7) Albert’s tree is the type you can see hung in any coffee shop where hipsters go to meditate.


8) Such a great moment, such a great capture. Secret’s out!

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secret’s out!!!! 👶🏼 I’ve been holding onto this for entirely too long! nothing makes me happier than being a part of your big milestones 🥺💘 #lugopartyofthree⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #maternitystyle #maternityphotographer #longislandphotographer #longislandphotography #northforkli #northforker #shannenfuscophotography #newbornsession #lifestylesession #lifestylenewbornsession #belovedfamilies #dearlybelovedfamilies #findaliphotog #radlove #lookslikefilm #b1withfamily #honestlyparents #motherhoodunderstood #motherhoodunhinged #motherhoodrising #motherhoodinspired #motherhoodmoments #motherhoodintheraw #themotherhoodexperienceproject #unscriptedposingapp #embracingtheedge #momsintheframe #howtheyrevealed #pregnancyannouncement

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9) Amy’s solitary bench is deserving of the likes.  It’s solitary, it’s sad, it’s black and white, it’s covid world.

10) Jamie Lynn Ryan is a special photographer and one of our favorites.  Her signature slant style is memorable and she always seems to find the happy place wherever she is.

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🎡 . . . rusted remnants.

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