Leave it to a Dad to solve Halloween Candy giving. Every parent is now wondering if Halloween should be saved and Andrew Beattie of Ohio might have solved the problem.
In his Facebook post, he describes the brilliant and simple solution. It’s a cardboard tube decorated pretty and going the length of a socially distant six feet. If you want to give out your candy, just drop it in the tube and you’re never too close to the kids. Decorate it with the orange and black and poof, it’s even pretty.
This has been going viral on the web, but I think the next step is to implement it throughout the country.
Every parent’s problems would be solved in a heartbeat if we now can save Halloween with a simple cardboard tube. Heck, maybe some parents might make catapults or slingshots, but the concept is still the same. Masks on costumes is super easy.
Why are we discussing cancelling Halloween when in fact, we can easily pull off Halloween with same basic and safe precautions. And to be clear, by no means am I saying to have Halloween without masks or other anti-masker methods, but simply to have it safe and friendly.
Check out his Facebook post below because I honestly find it brilliant.