As life gets busy with the start of test season, I’ve started to love taking a break by making new things. My kids and I can take a break and bond while learning a new skill. These are my favorite DIY cooking kits when my kids need a break from work.

I love bubble tea, but it’s so expensive and hard to get. After a busy day, I love to come home to a nice cup of bubble tea. My favorite flavor is taro since it tastes like nothing I’ve ever had before. Getting Pearly is an affordable and convenient way to get bubble tea delivered straight to your house. It’s much more affordable than store-bought, made with the same ingredients, very easy to make, and tastes delicious!

FarmSteady Jelly Doughnut Kits
Homemade products are one of my favorite things. FarmSteady makes homemade kits to make all kinds of farm-fresh delicacies. We got the jelly doughnut one, and it was so much fun to make with my kids. Its instructions were easy to follow and understand. It comes with a stainless-steel pastry tip and piping bag to add your favorite jelly to your freshly made doughnuts. FarmSteady makes country living easy.
Try these DIY cooking kits with your kids today!
See other craft ideas for kids here.