Get Your Covid Vaccine Under the Whale in the AMNH

AMNH Whale Vaccine

With Covid vaccination rates are much lower than anybody would like to see and the American Museum of Natural History is running a program which will hopefully motivate a few different people to take part in a unique experience.


The world famous whale now has a small Band-Aid on him reflecting the whale having gotten a shot. For a limited number of days, you too, you can get your vaccine while directly resting under the whale. While you wait to recover the 15 minutes from having had the vaccine you can gaze at the the whale and admire its beauty.


I cannot tell you how often I found myself looking up at the whale while lying down on the ground at that museum. I love the effort here and it really is an awesome unique experience. While this might not be as tempting as getting guns in West Virginia, I absolutely love the fact that this is just a crazy unique experience. Sometimes I find going to the museum, the whale can be a bit crowded and I just wanted a moment of peace. This will give you that moment of peace we you look up as you’re waiting those wonderful 15 minutes after the shot.


You have until July 22 to get your vaccine done before then. If you ever wondered or have been on the fence now is the time! Get your vaccine and gaze upon the whale.