How I Am Winding Down From Homeschooling With Wissotzky Nana Mint Tea

The days are long, the nights are full of anxiety of “what will be” and I just feel like working from home is more exhausting than going to the darn office.  I actually spent most of yesterday thinking it was actually Tuesday.  (LOL)

Anyhow, by 8 PM I am ready for a good “veg” fest and I’ve been streaming old shows from the 90’s to kind of escape.  This homeschooling just ain’t for this girl!  Anyhow, so what to sip on as I try and unwind each night?!?  I am adoring Nana Mint Tea from Wissotzky Teas.  So these Nana Mints are available in a few types like Green, Chamomile, Ginger and Citrus, Herbal Lemon and Black.  I have to say that I don’t think I can allow myself to even run out of the Chamomile.  This tea is the REAL DEAL.  These are naturally flavored, chamomile is non-caffeinated and all natural ingredients.  Just all the good stuff; oh and gluten free!

So I am sure at this point you may be asking..why nana mint?  Well its very simple; this mint is from the Southern Mediterranean and holds a very unique and refreshing flavor, aroma and sweetness.  I have to be honest its just my favorite kind of tea at this point.  Super yummy and super refreshing.  I may even dabble in enjoying it iced in the backyard tomorrow!

Please check them out –  I know i’m grabbing Ginger Citrus from Amazon super quick!

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