Two things that really important to any mommy. What is good for our bodies and what is good for our environment. After all, we are raising our future and they learn from our good example. This water product solves the “plastic bottle” problem. Icebox offers a BPA free packing and is packaged at the source; in Canada at the True North Spring, totally “pristine” this location is far away from business / industry and any contaminants. Ice Box Water comes with a PH of 7.4 and a TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) of 68.0. The Company truly brings you the highest quality H2O and you can be certain you are only drinking the very purest water. The packaging is a carton composed of 74% paper, 76% less plastic than a typical water bottle. It is 100% BPA free and 100% recyclable. It’s insulating qualities are better than a plastic bottle making it stay cooler longer (perfect to pack for the beach!). In addition, the ice box carton is combustible in 2-24 months. Perhaps this packaging will help us make a real environmental change. Over 26 billion water bottles end up in landfills yearly; the recycle rate is horrifying around 32%. Lets all help do our part while all along hydrating ourselves with a superior product. The carton holds up wonderfully on ice so it’s a great option to pack in your summer coolers as well as everyday lunch totes. They can be re-sealed so feel free to hydrate and stick back in your purse or backpack without spillage worry!
For more information and to make a purchase please visit They retail for $13.20 for a case of 24 (8.45 fl oz cartons) or $12.00 for a case of 12 (16.9 fl oz cartons). You can find them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked-In etc. Ice-box water will be a staple in my children’s lunch boxes; doing my part to try to make a difference!