Summer is the season of outdoor parties, barbeques and gathering with friends. Everyone is so happy to take a moment and enjoy the sunshine, good food and good company. Aardvark Straws will be the perfect coordinating addition to your backyard table. They are the ONLY FDA-approved eco-friendly paper straw. They are made entirely in the United States. The Company began in 2007 as the solution to a large anti-plastic movement. Everyone was looking for a more eco-friendly option and Aardvark brought a product that was good for our surroundings while being able to stand up to the day. I was so surprised about was how strong they are! They completely hold up; even for hours in a glass of water. The flexible straws worked perfectly and stayed in place! Other brands literally start disintegrating in your glass; these were absolutely amazing! In addition, these straws are chlorine free and are completely non-toxic.
Aardvark offers over 200 styles and colors to choose from making them perfect for whatever them event you are planning. Their eco-flex option is a great alternative to a bendable straw. Their cake pop sticks, also super strong are also made from safe materials. Need something that carries your brand or company logo? No problem at all: simply print your logo directly onto the Aardvark product and you are on your way to a party that you have examined all details! They also offer an array of sizes: Bar Stir (0.150″), Milk (0.206″), Jumbo/Eco Flex 0.227″ we loved these!), Giant (0.292″: perfect for a smoothie) and Colossal (0.472″: great for bubble tea). For the latest in some of their new designs, visit and click on their new items shop. You will love their product and the color scheme options and make them a must for your next soire.