Top Ten May The Fourth / Star Wars Day Memes

May the Fourth (be with you) has turned into Star Wars Day and never ceases to disappoint. Every year the debate rages on which is the best Star Wars movie, which character was better (Yoda), and which movie was better (Rogue One). Clearly, I’m not opinionated.

Now that Disney owns the franchise, you even get moments like when Taika Waititi was announced as the director of a new Star Wars film.

Anyway here are my favorite Memes for May the Fourth.

1) I love the fact he tied this into safety and Coronavirus.

2) This is so simple and that’s what makes it beautiful.

3) She looked beautiful in every era.

4) This skit was insanely and perfectly insane.

5) Great music. Check.
Cute Dog. Check.

6)This is one menacing-looking cat.

7) OMG look at the resemblance.

8) I have never seen this before. And it’s awesome.

9) Such an elegant and perfect match. Zed spent some time here.

1) This is absolutely true.

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