My family keeps expanding and I am so happy to have the kind of job where I am always able to check out the newest and greatest products! Enter nanobebe who brings us quality newborn and baby products! My niece is expecting so this particular product line was of interest to me. So much has changed since I had my kids!
Nanobebe brings such a great option to moms who pump breast milk. These bottles have the look and feel of the real thing so your baby will latch easily. They warm the milk in the perfect way so that none of your breast milk’s nutrients are diminished. It basically mocks the breastfeeding experience from beginning to end: latch, comfort, temperature! Their newborn gift set was the perfect choice for my niece – it includes bottles, warming bowl, sterilizer, drying rack, adapters, pacifiers, nipples, covers and caps. All for just under $100! Such great quality and cost! You can purchase items separately as well of course! These are easy to find on Amazon or at Target, Buy Buy Baby, and Bed Bath and Beyond to name a few! This is an awesome holiday treat for expectant friends and family! Check them out!