Pop-Tarts has just come out with new Frosted Gingerbread Pop-Tarts. These are frosted gingerbread flavors and are set up so you can build your own house. I should also mention that these Pop-Tarts are limited editions for Christmas. Then again, when else would you build a gingerbread house?
First of all, this is genius because Pop-Tarts are basically a building block for walls, so as long as you make enough of them, you can build any structure you would like. Also, it’s brilliant as you can see in our photo…sometimes when you toast them they crumble. So now you’re buying one or two more boxes! I probably went through half the Pop-Tarts just trying to get a few good ones. I don’t think this was the fault of the pop-tart so much as the fault of the delivery and the kids. Now, one is forced to follow the addiction of building, and thereby I ripped through an entire box of Pop-Tarts in one quick morning.
Designed with frosting like snow, this is much easier than just gingerbread. But your kids will basically rip through an entire box of Pop-Tarts.
Are Frosted Gingerbread Pop-Tarts good for you? Are they part of a healthy nutritious breakfast? Not exactly. But you can very easily and quickly build quite a few walls of the gingerbread house with them and have a fun time doing it.