I am a busy lady; work, kids, activities, shopping, play, meetings – it just never ends. I happen to be a huge fan of the tote bag as it can fit whatever I usually need to get through the hectic day ahead, but sometimes it just annoys me to have to lug it around with me. Depending on where I am going (like a crowded dance competition with my kid), it would be stupendous to just hit the road with my car keys and still have a way to carry the essentials with me. Or dare I say on me?!? I am thrilled to be trying out the racktrap, an adorable and lightweight personal bra pouch that fits comfortably inside my undergarment and can expertly hold my credit card, driver’s license, or cash. This is great for running errands and I am loving how easy it is to use when I throw on sneaks and hit the track for a little cardio too! Color options include gold, sports sweat-proof (so fabulous) and even a three-pack with nude, white and black lace designs. These are just so cute and music to my busy ears! Pricing is perfect between $7.95 – $15.95 (3pk) and you can read all about this item and make a purchase by checking out http://www.theracktrap.com/.