Hey, busy people out there! Have I got the toothbrush for you! Funkkoff is your promise of clean teeth/mouth/breath as you navigate through your hectic day. This is the only 2 in 1 reusable toothbrush + toothpaste.
The product is 100% natural, fluoride-free, BPA-free, and vegan clean. All you have to do is twist, then brush, rinse, and of course smile!
You get 30 times for each brush. The cost is only $22 so that is literally under 80 cents per brushing; I mean that is economical! You can easily toss it in your purse, backpack, tote, etc. No more worry after your morning coffee or salad with onions at lunch. Oh, and your teeth will be whiter and brighter too!
I decided I never want to be without one so I also stash one in my desk at work. They come in three color options (white, blue, and black). Oh, and the taste – it’s kind of awesome so you won’t mind using it more than once a day! I just gave my coworker one too because she was worried about a date she was going on straight from the office. Literally under a minute with fresh breath and white choppers!
You must check this innovative product out. Think Funkkoff! as a stocking stuffer for the upcoming holidays!