I have a great item we came across this week that would be perfect for Mother’s Day gifting. Do you have someone in your life who loves to quilt or sew? My mom personally loves it, so I was thrilled to check out the great quilt kits from Sit n’ Sew Fabrics.
They are totally going to be your go-to for every supply you may need for quilting and home embroidery. Items they offer include quilting kits, precut fabric, fabric by the yard, and tools! I am kind of an awkward beginner and I had no trouble getting started myself! (I cannot take credit though; I did have an expert talking me through the basics.)
What we received: the Scarlet Hexies Galore Quilt Kit ($40). This is a real time-saver since you don’t have to cut all the squares. The finished quilt is a nice size (28 in x 37 in), which is a great lap-sized blanket. Really pretty deep reds and black patterns. You also get the binding and the backing so you don’t need to run out for additional items. The skill level is medium. I am still working on it (a great stress reliever), but I will update everyone for sure!
Once again, a great way to get started in the world of quilting but also, in the end, you are creating your own masterpiece. Check them out!