Artist Re-imagines Superheroes as Pin Up Models

As a hip mom who has always loved the Marvel movies, I have recently developed a newfound appreciation for the Marvel universe. However, as a fan of Pin Up art style, I always found it to be a bit sexist. But now, my dreams have come true thanks to Portland-based artist David Talaski, who has brilliantly combined the two art styles to create something unique and exciting.

Now, whenever I’m forced to have a quarantine marathon of Marvel movies, I can stare dreamily at each of Talaski’s incredible artworks. My only complaint is that he hasn’t done Hulk yet. But maybe that’s just as well, as I might get a bit too excited!

Let’s take a closer look at my favorite pieces, and I secretly hope that Talaski will create more. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next!

1) First up is a palate cleanser featuring Loki. Now, he’s not my favorite character, and the horns he normally wears concern me a bit, but Talaski’s artwork certainly gets the motor started.

2) Next up is Captain America, who is perfect for this Pin Up style. Maybe it’s the soldier angle, or maybe it’s just that he has America’s ass!

3)Green Lantern is up next, and while I like the artwork, I’m not a big fan of the character. This one serves as another palate cleanser for me.

4) Black Panther is next, and Talaski has done an amazing job capturing the essence of this iconic character. Wakanda forever!

5) I’m alternating between my cougar-like feelings, and this mystical artwork is okay, but not really my thing.

But then we have Thor, and Mamma is happy again! I’d be quite fine getting my hands on his hammer. Wait, can I say that? I mean his hammer. What did you think I meant?

7) Okay, this one is a bit odd, but I’ll take it. It’s Groot!

8) Aqua Man is a dreamy character anyway, but Talaski’s Pin Up version of him is just out of this world!

9) And finally, seriously, you had to say “Hand Wash Only”? This artwork featuring Iron Man made me chuckle, and it’s the perfect way to end my list.


Okay, that’s it. Now I’m exhausted!

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