If you love sesame based foods as much as I do you are in for a treat today! Mighty Sesame Co. is working hard to bring you raw (fair trade) sesame seeds into the yummiest products you’ll ever try. Let’s start with their creamy, squeezable tahini which comes in both organic and whole seed options. Such a super delicious and easy option to incorporate delicious sesame seed paste to your favorite dishes like salads, veggies, hummus, smoothies and more. I really do not know where this convenient product has been my entire life.
Now to tell you about my new favorite snack to help me get through the mid-day work slump. Yup; tahini bars. These are the perfect size for a quick snack and are 100 calories. They go perfectly with a cup of coffee. Flavor options include pistachio, vanilla and cocoa nibs. They are gluten free, non dairy, vegan, plant based and contain nothing artificial. I honestly couldn’t believe how delicious they were; the pistachio / cocoa nib flavors have awesome chopped nut/chocolate toppings.
The website also has some pretty awesome recipes – check them out! Don’t get me started on how amazing the smoothie came out!