Did you ever think to yourself I need to meditate? How often should I mediate? Just like any other habit in order to be effective, you have to be consistent. I find if you write things down you can be consistent and hold yourself accountable. It’s easy to overlook when it’s not on paper.
The Bloom Meditation Journal is the answer to all those questions. The journal has a meditation log for your twice-daily practice (morning and evening routine). What I love is the rating system of how you feel before and how you feel after your mediation. There is a space to write your thoughts and personal insights.
Reflecting on how you feel gives great insights on your personal development. We all hope to see improvement and feel better! As a result of journaling daily I felt more mindful. I was more aware of my feelings and how things affected me. We all experience emotions and feelings but It feels like you are on a whole other level when you put things in perspective. My goal is to be proactive instead of reactive. I am more in tune with my feelings already!
The 40 day challenge will help me stay on track and form new healthy habits. I’m happy with the journal and love the format of the book. I find it very useful! Check out the mediation journal, as well as other great tools for thinkers! Give it as a gift or get one for yourself at Baronfig.