Okay, below is our first annual list of the Top Ten Instagram Fitness Moms to follow. What was the criteria to make this list? I went through dozens of entries and tried to focus on:
1) Moms I can learn from.
2) Moms that didn’t make think I was just there to watch somebody act sexy.
3) Moms I wanted to basically be.
So there’s my goal list. Below I put them in no particular order but I did secretly add them to my own personal Instagram. I love them all so without further babble, here’s the top Instagram fitness moms.
Top Ten Instagram Fitness Moms
1) Mother of two, biomechanist/author Katy Bowman’s is a mom with a brain. I love it! This mom makes me feel like I can relate to her. Definitely worth a follow.
2) I love this one. It’s like she’s just being real and losing her mind. Here Melanie Knopke shows what’s healthy in her fridge:
3) Lara Heimann is a Yoga Pioneer and a Physical Therapist. I eat Bon Bons. She works out and looks incredible nad beautiful. I can watch her and feel accomplished while I eat those Bon Bons.
4) Taylor Walker is a fitness Mom and this workout below, I actually just did it. Okay, I attempted to do it. Okay I watched her do it and felt sorry about my life.
5) Sloane Davis of Pancakes and Pushups. Girl, you had me at Pancakes! I mean why are you ruining it with the pushups. But I love the fact that her workouts here are do-able and within reach. Plus she’s a real mom.
6) Alexa Jean here is lifting her adorable daughter like in a Yoga pose. I mean, seriously, that’s a great way to work out but I think I’d pull my uterus out! Is this seriously possible? But it is totes adorbs when she dances with her. I feel better now.
7) Jennifer Cohen is a coach and into the habits and has wonderful great skills. That said, I love that she’s a workout mom who looks and talks like a real mom. Look at her in this! If I could do this I’d clean the toys from under the kid’s bed ten times faster
8) Sure, Amanda Seghetti is a great work out mom but if you look at what I included below, I loved her posts when she focuses on being a Mom. Look at what she did to help the kids deal with Corona!
9) Jamie Hess is a fitness Mom doing Quarantine Tone. You gotta tune into these live ones as she really gets into it.
10) Lynn Montoya is 50. Read that again, she’s 50. Look how hot she is! I’d leave my husband for her kidna hot. I want to be her when I’m 50 kind of hot! I think I need to post her picture on my wall and be like “I can do that too one day”. Now I’ll put down the Bon Bons.