A professional baby photographer for 18 years, my wife never wanted to try a tablet. She does not like changes; she liked her Apple track-pad and keyboard.
Or so she believed.
She spends so much time in front of her computer and monitor, she deserved better. She did not want a tablet, but I got her one anyway. After just a day or two of using her new Wacom One and the pen to edit her photos, the verdict was overwhelmingly positive: “Why was I so stubborn and did not try this before?”
She loves the Wacom…
The Wacom One is an HD graphic monitor that needs to be plugged into a computer. No battery means no downtime to recharge them. (Productivity!) Setting up is simple: just three easy steps. Plug it in, install the pilot and register the product to select your preferences. Ten minutes top, detailed information. It will work on a Mac, PC, or some Android devices. We are a Mac family, so our experience reflects that.
The Wacom One is light, elegant, and well designed. She loved the attention to detail that was put into making it. For instance, there are little legs below the tablet for a better ergonomy. Very welcome when you spend days using it. There is a little pen holder so you don’t lose that precious tool when you take a pause. Her office and desk are a mess, like any good artist, so this is very welcome.
Wacom offers plenty of software to push your creativity. You will have a blast testing them all.
The 13.3-inch screen gives a good bang for the buck. It is bright and big enough so you don’t feel constrained by the size as you work. Her verdict is again very clear: “It is fantastic to stroke the screen with the pen. You feel like you are actually drawing with a “normal” pen on a sheet of paper. It is great! To draw, to retouch photos, or to annotate a document, it’s just amazing.”
She used mainly to retouch photos as she is a professional photographer. She uses the Wacom One as a second display on video mirroring mode. She can look on her height resolution Mac display and retouch with the pen on the Wacom. A perfect match!
When she draws, she uses the Wacom one as an extended screen and draws on the Wacom as she looks at it.
The pen has only one button, but it is very precise. You press it more or less firmly to decide how strong you would draw on a paper. If you speak Photoshop language, you can control the “flow” of your Brush, for instance. You really feel like you are working with a real pen.
I quote my wife: “The Wacom One changed how I work for the best. My workflow is more efficient and long hours of retouching are fun again!“