Since we are home so much more now there is so much more time to read, think and really just get all philosophical on yourself. Check out these two amazing items I recently snagged and are totally worth the read/time!
Re:Invent Your Life: This is the utimate re-boot for you in the area of motivational and self-help. Author Kathi Sharpe-Ross is truly the expert in branding and lifestyle. In this crazy changing economy her efforts can drive your business down the right path! This ideal is the inspiration behind and quite honestly is now changing my life as well! What was so eye opening to me was that you don’t have to reinvent your whole life; you can choose a piece (health, hobbies, spiritual, career) and not disrupt the other pieces and people in your life. The book features interviews and tools that will have you doing practical exercises and moving in the right direction. The book is easily available on amazon and a great gift for achievers, people returning to work after raising children, mid-life crisis sufferers and anyone really who dreams of a life adjustment.
How about working on our conversation skills? We are all craving human interaction and connection during this pandemic and Conversation Cards are a great way to do this. The box of 28 cards takes your chats into so many interesting directions like “what is your earliest memory” and “what event in history has shaped your life”. I actually can’t wait to try it over a nice bottle of red next weekend with a few girlfriends. Author Diana Raab, PhD is the perfect woman to bring us these cards as she is a research psychologist who orchestrates workshops on transformation and empowerment. These cards retail for about $13 and are suitable for all ages and all occasions. This could be the best stocking stuffer you ever scooped up!