Chizi’s Tale


Behind the Scenes with Chizi’s Tale: The True Story of an Orphaned Black Rhino from Chizi’s Tale on Vimeo.

My family and I just had the absolute pleasure of reading a wonderful story last night before bed.  It was called Chizi’s story, written by High School senior Jack Jones.  Each summer, Jones travels with his family to Africa learning how very important it is to respect and preserve nature.  Jones, being super well-rounded has treated us all to this knowledge and brings us the true story of Chizi.

Two park rangers in Zimbabwe discover an abandoned baby black rhino who has been separated from his mother.  Park manager Colin Wenham, a conservationist truly passionate about wildlife decides to take the rhino home to his family.  They adopt the rhino, naming him “Chisiwana” which translates to “Orphaned One”.  He picks up the nickname “Chizi” and this sweet and informative book goes on to tell us all about his first year and how this truly remarkable family is helping him mature for release back into the wild.  Black Rhino’s are endangered as the demand for their horn grows and poaching has reached epic levels.  This brave family has really given Chizi a chance at survival.  I found the story endearing and my children were inspired and asked me so many great questions.  The illustrations by Jacqui Taylor are gorgeous and she is the perfect choice as she lives in Zimbabwe.

Chizi’s tale is appropriate for ages 0-8 and comes in hard copy ($7.99) and paperback ($3.99) editions.  All proceeds from the book go to; an organization committed to finding and supporting conservation initiatives throughout Africa.  Kudos Jack Jones!  As a mother I can only hope that my children be inspired to write about something this important one day.  For more information please visit

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