Amazon Sells “Sexy” Disney Outfits and I feel quite confused

This is not a typical Halloween/Costume story. I’m actually and honestly confused and perplexed. I’m hoping somebody can help me through this emotional confusion.  I was today years old when I learned that people sold sexy “Disney” costumes on Amazon.

No to be clear, these are NOT official and sanctioned Disney costumes, but they’re clearly strongly inspired by the characters. But lets be clear, these are NOT official costumes.


1)  First I have Sexy Snow White.  Now I’m thinking that this is not the most efficient costume one could use to wander through the woods. Secondly, if you’re living with seven dwards, this might be a bit too provocative.






2)  Every morning is NOT going to be just the same in this outfit. I mean, can you really walk around your little village like this?  If the town is talking about you before this, I’m sure this is not going to help the situation.







3) This wins an aware for the description: Bring out your honey’s inner beast in this Mademoiselle Fantasy

I mean, I got the message.  I don’t think I’d be allowed to wear this to the Magic Kingdom though




4) Can somebody explain why you would do this? I don’t think any man would see Cruella de Ville and think “That’s one sexy broad”.  But they made this outfit and now here we are and I’m stuck with all of these feelings.





5) Darth Vader is considered one of the most evil characters in movies.  He destroys entire planets for fun. He destroys planets where his daughter grew up. Not exactly a nice guy. That said, why not dress like a sexy version of him?

I would love to hear your thoughts? Do these work? Do they cause you confusion?  Did you actually think of ordering one?

I have so many confused feelings right now!