Give Me Cakes Instead of Flowers

If given the choice between flowers and cookies and cake for Valentine’s Day I would like to be very clear. Give me some sweets. I do not need flowers for they will simply die on the counter but after a long hard day, I need a bottle of Chardonnay and some cookies. In fact, whoever started the notion that flowers were a good idea has never seen my home and me curled in a corner under the blankets.


Flowers can die however I will have a memory of cookies in my belly that will last forever.


What I particularly love about this Tate’s Gift Baskets is that it has a mix of both the cookies as well as their cakes and other sweets. It has an entire section of foods to indulge in and gorge myself in. If I’m feeling depressed, do not buy me flowers for food is the solution. I am quite happy gorging myself on sweets as it makes me very happy.


I am not going to mince words whatsoever and do not want you to misinterpret me. Cookies and cake make me much happier than flowers.


If you are reading this and wondering what to get your wife for Valentine’s Day I hope I cannot be any clearer, skip the stupid flowers and get her Tates cookies.