Happy Kids Songs

Calling all moms and dads of musical children: for the holidays perhaps check out “Happy Kids Songs”; an album and workbook certain to run kids through social and emotional learning set to music.  Dr. Mac, the man behind the series is both author and psychologist; he ties in themes that hit close to home for your typical 4 to 8-year-old.  As a mom of kiddies that have a lot of learning on their plate during  the school day and the homework to match, “Happy Kids Songs” is a wonderful and welcome break from the schedule.  The workbook is such a great compilation of songs, coloring pages, games and puzzles all geared to help build character and social/emotional skills.  This workbook would be suitable for home or school use.  The workbook is available on amazon for $13.95: http://www.amazon.com/Happy-Kids-Songs-Workbook-Hands-/dp/1497451868/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1448766748&sr=8-1&keywords=happy+kids+songs+workbook.  “Happy Kids Songs” feature sing-alongs concerning sharing, bullying, feelings, fears, responsibility and happiness are available on both http://iTunes.com as well as amazon.com for 99 cents each.  A five song download costs as little as $4.95.  For a special freebie visit http://happykidssongs.com/bye-bye-bully-2/ to download and listen to “Bye Bye Bully” free of charge!  There are 8 albums in total and I personally believe this is such a great way to combine music, games and super important topics that will make your children better people!  For more information please visit http://happykidssongs.com/.

happy kids songs workbook

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