I Will Never Get A Star On Mrs. Benson’s Blackboard

Our family just discovered a great back-to-school appropriate book from author/illustrator Jennifer K Mann, titled I Will Never Get A Star On Mrs. Benson’s Blackboard.  This is Mann’s second book and it just as wonderful (also check out Two Speckled Eggs)  We try, as a family to wind down the day each evening with a great story and this book did NOT disappoint!  You are treated to the story of Rose, who really really wants a star on Mrs. Benson’s blackboard but she finds herself needing to speak louder, sometimes her mind wanders and she gets the wrong answer, and even when she tries to help with snack, she ends up spilling the milk!  Her teacher is going to check all their desks for neatness and the class is asked to design thank you cards for an artist who visited the class, Rose while she knows she is up for the task, ends up making a little bit of a mess and hopes that Mrs. Benson will be able to see past the paint and the mess all over her desk and reward her for just how creative she can be!  In the end, Rose achieves her goal, gets her star and Mrs. Benson tells the whole class how wonderful and creative her card is!

Mann focuses on such an important school topic; worrying about whether you will get in trouble for a messy desk, or be able to get the right answer.  I know this is a topic that comes up all the time in my household and it was so refreshing to have them read about Rose and how she overcame one of her school obstacles.  Please check out this wonderful book available on Amazon.com by visiting http://www.amazon.com/Will-Never-Star-Bensons-Blackboard/dp/0763665142/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1440376055&sr=1-1&keywords=i+will+never+get+a+star+on+mrs.+benson%27s+blackboard.

i will never get a star

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