What if I told you that a product could change your perception of clean? Cause I can! Check out the great products from P2 Probiotic Power! These products are safe for everyone: kids, adults, allergies, asthma, even pets. Why probiotic??? Because they keep the bad bacteria at bay. We are too used to constantly using antibacterial products that do away with both the good and the bad bacteria. I know my house is super guilty of this. Also this whole time, I have been purchasing all these surface cleaners that I thought were “bleaching the germs away” and honestly they aren’t. Even if you use bleach, the harmful biofilm (these superbugs that antibiotics do not respond to) is still back on the surfaces an hour later! An hour!?!
This weekend we cleaned with our new iClean Everything surface cleaner that is great for granite, wood, glass, stainless steel, concrete, tile and more! It actually protects surfaces while cleaning them from harmful E. Coli, Staph, MSRA and Salmonella for days. This product is non-allergenic, non-toxic, vegan, gluten-free, contains no harmful chemicals and is kid/pet safe. It is like magic in a bottle if you ask me. Use the concentrate when you need it; approximately every 7 days to keep the probiotic going in your home! I actually cannot believe how a product will replace everything I am using in my home.
So many great products in addition to this cleaner. There are skin care products, pet products and so much more! Please do yourself a favor and check this company out!