Prepping these kiddies for a great school year!

I feel like back to school always makes us want to be more organized and really inspires this house to be on a great schedule/routine.  I have been checking out some cool kid’s products this week to get us for snacking, protecting and cleaning my little learners!

Here are some of our favorites:

  1.  Soapsox ( Ok so this product is simply adorable.  It is a washcloth in adorable shapes/animals/characters that you add soap to and then it magically scrubs your kiddie clean.  I have almost no trouble convincing my messy crew to hop in the tub for some bathtime fun.  They are super soft and now the problem we have is getting them out of the tub!
  2. TheraBreath for Kids (  So what if I told you there was a great mouthwash for your kiddies that is free from the harsh ingredients and artificial colors in other products.  The flavoring is made from organic grapes and sweetened with xylitol.  My picky kids really liked the taste and I am happy to report that we are taking care of breath and preventing cavities in the process!
  3. Go Organically Fruit Snacks ( These fruit snacks are a perfect toss in to the lunch bag for those parents who desire an organic option (by the way they are also GMO and gluten-free as well).  These are made from real fruit always a plus) and the flavoring comes from a natural source.  We have tested out the fruit medley and tropical flavors and both passed the taste test in this house.
  4. Previnex Super Vites ( I really like that I am getting behind these gluten/soy/dairy free daily supplements.  These are packed with 28 organic superfruits and veggies and contain so many of the vitamins these kids need (A/C/D/E/K/Thiamin/Niacin/Calcium/Iron/Magnesium/Zinc and more).  I absolutely love that when you buy these vitamins the company sends a bottle to in need children around the world!
  5. Welch’s Fruit Snacks ( Ok; so total truth here: even I am eating the new fruit rolls.  These are made with real fruit and contain vitamins A, E and C.  They are a gluten-free option and have none of those nasty preservatives.  Plenty of flavors and other brand varieties to make everyone in your home happy.

There are so many great options; I sort of helped you pack a snack, prevent cavities, take a bath and protect teeth all in one post.  One would say I am Super Mom.


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