Camp starts today and I am thrilled to be providing my kids awesome nutrition since we are trying out Superfood Lunch Bundles by Revolution Foods. Here is the situation: these are real-food healthy alternatives to the “run of the mill” lunches we see everyday in the cafeteria. They are gluten-free; no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Two moms wanted to make a difference and by-golly they did. They started out providing healthy lunches to public schools around the country; and now they are bringing us convenient bundles to send in with our kids. They even donate 1% of their sales to provide fresh meals to schools. Their “bundle boxes” are basically lunches on the go (for example turkey, cheddar and cracker combos, ham/cheese combos, yummy chicken pieces etc.), “granola bundles” which are delish cookie combos like chocolate chip, peanut butter and yogurt berry and finally what we are trying out their “lunch bundles” snack/dip/nibbler items perfect for on-the-go. My kids and I are loving these; their “superfood” bundle has trail mix, chickpeas, almonds, chocolate covered yummy raisins, veggie crisps and corn/flax chips. I honestly loved sharing it with my daughter as an after camp snack. Their “sundipper” box has trail mix, no-nut butter, pretzels, bananas and soy nuts. So super yummy (packed with protein perfect for my mid-day work slump). Also available are cheese/cracker/veggie crisp options as well as turkey/cheese/kettle corn/trail mix options. Definitely check this awesome company out: