We are getting old. We can’t help it but arthritis and back pain set in for no reason and sometimes the knees make clicking sounds and I wonder what happened to my twenty something self. I do NOT like to admit defeat but sometimes a little pain relief can go a long way. Especially if the product works; which they barely do. I am so happy to say that my experience with Salonpas new pain relieving products are really doing the trick! Their new “Pain Relieving Patch” combines latex-free stretchy fabric with analgesic solution to help you out in a big way. I am loving the fact that we have a product that soothes my pain without popping a pill every 4 hours. Salonpas has been going strong with their pain relief patches since 1934 but this new patch is larger (covers more ground for my sore back, neck, shoulder and joints), does NOT come off half way through the day like other’s and contains a camphor/mentol/methyl salicylate combo that fixes you in no time! I really feel like the product stays with me all day; there is no peeling or movement from the patch no matter how many times I get up from my desk. They also have other great patches I am trying that target specific issues like arthritis as well as their “Gel Patch HOT” that brings you cool to soothe as well as warmth when you need it. I thought it was so cool how both sensations helped me! If joint pain is what ails you the “Jet Spray” is a must for your pocketbook. Joint pain is gone with a simply spray that drys quickly and cools down the throbbing pain. My husband is really loving the convenience of this spray and how fast it works. I have to say we as a family are huge Salonpas fans. Just thrilled we got to try them! Please give them all a try; you will be thrilled!