Six Books to Teach Your Kids About Haiti

In speaking with a group of children, a few of them asked about the people of Haiti.  Who are the people and what is all of this recent news about Haiti?  Sometimes, the craziest of news can be opportunities of learning.

We did a bit of research and found a few books that might help you teach your children a more in-depth view of Haiti.

While sorting through the news can be depressing, these books might help give a different perspective of current events and the people around them.

Haiti My Country – by Roge

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Nadia’s Good Deed – A Story About Haiti – by Rachel Harris

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Let’s Explore Haiti – by Elle Parkes

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Haiti Is Paperback –by Cindy Similien-Johnson

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Janjak and Freda Go to the Iron Market Paperback – by Elizabeth J. Turnbull

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