The weather is getting nice and the nights are getting long. School is almost over and quite honestly all rules in this house have gone out the window. I am actually just letting my kids be “kids” and not worrying about what time it is. Schedules are over….well…until September that is. Tonight, instead of rushing showers and bed time I let them play outside longer. We got to play with Stomp Rockets – the laughing and enjoyment was well worth it! We tried out their new stunt planes which are just awesome! Each of the three included planes do amazing tricks. We have played with the Company’s other products in the past so we were very familiar with the process of setting the rocket on the launch pad, stomping down and watching the rocket launch into the air! What was super cool about these rocket is that you totally control the tricks of the rocket. You are in control of the launch angle and how it flies! To me, the best part is with these products no batteries, cords or WIFI are needed; there are no apps for this fun toy! This is just you, the rocket set and human energy. My kids were innocently laughing and I truly loved them jumping, stomping and launching the rockets over and over again. I don’t even think they realized how much of a workout they were getting trying to beat each other with power and height!
Please consider going old school and grabbing up these great products for the summer months. Think BBQ, family reunion, block party and long summer nights with neighbors. The price points are perfect and the fun is infectious.