Woken Has Me Wakin’

Can I get a sister to agree with me on how tired we mommies are?!?  I feel like I am in a never ending battle of “what didn’t I do today”.  No matter what time I get up (and for me that time is 5 AM) I am always in a position at 10 PM where I beat myself up over the stuff I didn’t quite finish for the day.  Coffee is my best friend, my security blanket and my savior from above.

Enter the fabulous coffee pods from Woken and us Mommy’s are well on our way to being able to function like the rock stars we are!  This Company might be the coolest ever.  Most “coffee pod” are half plastic and really clog up the dumping grounds.  Woken is totally biodegradable – literally within 90 day the pod is back within the soil.  How awesome n responsible it that!  I feel so guilty these days in this “single serve super easy” lifestyle we live in.  Finally a super easy single serve option that doesn’t affect our earth and environment.

If you are asking about the quality of the coffee I can vouch that it is simply delicious.  Super cool varying intensity java going on here from South America to India.  They are just very yummy and I am proud to use them.  The vanilla pod’s are just amazing!  Please check them out!  You do the environment a service yet you are still getting your convenient caffeine kick!

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