Who has absolutely had it with the quarantine and the lack of spa capabilities we ladies have! There has been for about 10 weeks now: no hair, no mani, no pedi, no lashes, no facials, no waxing, no tweezing; I can’t even go on I am so horrified! LOL
So now we think outside the box. I tried a “wax at home” kit. I am officially dying my own hair (my hair girl drops a kit to my house every 6 weeks at this point). Now I am onto lashes. So I am not the best with stuff like this; I hate to admit it but I like these things to just be done for me. I don’t know what to say, I work hard and want my appointments. Anyhow – I was sent these amazing magnetic lashes from Vassoul and quite honestly they couldn’t be easier to apply. These have a .2mm thin magnet and are so so lightweight! These are a ZERO GLUE application process – this means no irritation or stickiness everywhere! That is a win-win for this girl. The applicator makes the job really easy and if you clean then properly they are good to reuse over and over again. Price point is amazing so you will love the fact that you are looking beautiful and spending basically pennies!
Check them out – also available for purchase on amazon as well! Ladies: YOU ARE WELCOME!