Three Peaks Honey

With the World being what it is right now we are all trolling the internet for new vitamins and health plans; anything that might bring us some kind of ingredient to help us power up against this virus from hell.

One thing my house has added to their pantry is Manuka Honey from Three Peaks.  This honey is unique to New Zealand where the bees fly super high to reach the Manuka tree The flowering process only happens once a year for a few short weeks and is very weather temperamental.  Manuka Honey contains antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.  It can be used to for health and wellness issues like upper respiratory, healthy teeth and gums, soothes colds and coughs, boosts energy and has skin/wound healing qualities.  I have been using about a teaspoon in my morning tea and has easily pushed refined sugar out of my diet.

There are many honey purchasing options on their website.  I dabble in their 10+250G product and I couldn’t personally be happier with the quality.  The higher the UMF in the honey the more “ultimate” the wellness you are adding to your body.

Please check them out and you will be very happy you did!  Splurge right away!  We cannot go out anyhow!

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