Top Healthy Sweets

The goal of this top healthy sweets list is to acknowledge that we all have those cravings, and maybe there are some healthy alternatives to fill those cravings. One cannot exactly remove the craving for a sweet, but maybe with some ideas here, you can find some healthy alternatives to replace the sweet you’re looking for.

justins snacks

Justin’s makes basically healthy versions of the candy that dad loves. Are you into Reese’s peanut butter cups but want a healthier version? Well here’s your chance. Maybe there are some allergies in the home and you want almonds instead of peanuts. Well here’s your chance! My daughter loves to find her dad candy, but I don’t exactly like getting him something unhealthy. So, this is the perfect compromise for a nice healthy treat.

image of whoa dough bars for our healthy sweets list

Whoa Dough makes a healthy version of cookie dough. Yes, it feels like those two phrases should not be used together but yet here we are. Do you ever have a craving for cookie dough and you’re just trying to get something a little bit healthier? I don’t know how or why, but somehow this has protein and is low in calories which makes little to no sense to me. But does it satisfy my need for cookie dough? Yes, it does.

image of assorted bags of Real cookies for our top healthy sweets list

Real says they make the best healthy cookie on the planet. No, I am not enough of a nutritionist to determine if it is literally the most healthy. But I can tell you that it’s a darn tasty cookie. If you read the ingredients, it’s certainly much more healthy than the average cookie. So, it’s certainly quite a good alternative if you’re craving a cookie.


Have a craving for a smoothie but don’t want to get loaded up with too many sugars? ReHarvest has a nice healthy alternative for you. Throw these in the freezer and you have an extremely healthy version of that old fashion ice pop that you squeeze through the plastic. I love the idea that ReHarvest has taken a classic sweet that I always had as a kid, and made an extremely healthy version of it.

image of unreal snack bars for top healthy sweets list

Unreal Snacks makes healthier alternatives to the candy we all know and love. As every mom knows, kids love candy. Instead of giving my kids regular candy when they help around the house, I can give them a healthier version, and they can’t even tell. Their ingredients are so simple it’s “Unreal.”