Top Ruth Bader Ginsberg Art

I’m still trying to get through the passing of RBG. Honestly it’s not the fact that her seat will probably be filled. I’d just like a few days to get over her passing. To think about how much she’s done for women’s rights and the movement.

One of the things that has helped me get through Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s passing is looking at RBG art. In fact, search Twitter for #RBGARt and you’ll find quite a few.

Here are some of my favorites.

1) Ken Hastings, delivers the message. I absolutely adore it as it’s become an icon.

2) Greg is an insane artist. But look at this sketch. Simple but elaborate, but that’s what makes it beautiful.

3) You wouldn’t expect a piece like this, but I love the messages with it.

4) This shows that message. So powerful. She worked hard and here she is at work again.

5) I Dissent. I feel like we will say this for generations

6) I love simple sketches that show raw emotion. This accomplishes that!

7) Oooh, I love the colors here. It’s almost like an aura around her.

8) The Notorious RBG in Comic style. I love it

9) This is such a photo-realistic piece. Good work!


10) Ward is my favorite here. Admittedly, not just because of the artistic style but he really wants to get the message out and lets anybody download his work.
