Trying on the Fulton/Roark fragrances and making everyone go crazy (in a good way!)

What’s that smell?

I was back at work after a few days off, and my coworker was intrigued. “It smells so good! What is it?” she insisted. “Maybe it’s me? Come closer,” I said, tending my wrist to let her smell.

Is that smell on YOU? What is that perfume?? I want to know! It smells like a man.

The reaction was the same at home when I first asked the lady if she liked my new perfume. “Wow! That’s what a man should smell like!

Even my dog is all over it. She can’t stop climbing on me to sniff my neck or lick my wrist (I’m still talking about the dog, not the lady).

The reaction was pretty unanimous. And not like in the “Let’s just be polite” kind of way.


Fulton and Roark product

All the fuss was because I was trying on the Blue Ridge solid fragrance by Fulton & Roark. It’s just the solid fragrance? It’s a wax base cologne, it you want to put it that way. In appearance and texture, it’s close to beard wax. You apply wherever you apply perfume, and voilà! The Blue Ridge evokes Sandalwood, Sage, and Amber. Not your cup of tea? They have eight different fragrances and each comes as a full set of other grooming products for men: deodorant, bar soap, body lotion, and more.  I was testing out some of their product, and I never felt so masculine than before.

Make no mistake. It’s not your $2.50 deodorant you buy at the pharmacy. A Fulton & Roark collection will set you back $24. But it might be the best darn gift you ever gave to your armpit. Did I just say that? Fulton makes me say the weirdest things.

Not sure which of the eight fragrances you will like best? For $20, you can order a sample of them all. The best part? It comes with a 20$ off coupons, so the sample is actually free if you order something, which I’m sure that you will.

You can buy Fulton & Roark products at brick and mortar store, or online directly from them.