I am already starting my Easter basket coordination and I am always on the hunt for something new and exciting. I also ADORE the old school mentality; games without bells and whistles and items that we can take a step back and actually have good “old-fashioned fun” without texts, snaps and whatever else requires a tag and a filter.
I was just introduced to this great company aGreatLife and quite honestly I am floored by their awesomeness. A company known for wanting to create family memories??? Seriously??? They give me the chills! aGreatLife Brand is all about playing, fun and working together – exactly the mantra I try to instill every darn day despite all the social media obstacles.
They have quite a few items to choose from (kites, educational toys, games, puzzles etc.) but I am gonna speak about two in particular that are sure to make my kiddies super happy, keep them busy and by the way will have us working together without phones and tablets.
The Diamond Kite – ok so for less than $10.00 you have a super great quality kite built to withstand the wind and for once, easy to launch and land. How many kites have you simply thrown away in disgust! LOL It is both waterproof and durable and comes with super easy instructions. Your kids will be confident that they can work the kite and just like that for almost no cost to you as a parent your kid is out there with you in the fresh air flying a kite.
Next up – yup; the cube. Speed cube that is. This is a much faster, easy to turn and manipulate version of what you are used to. This is the next generation of the cube we had; rounded edges make it easier to get the job done. This cube simply won’t jam – I was in utter 1980’s joy the minute I took it out of the box. And quite honestly think outside the box – this is a great holiday treat for any kid, teen, or even adult! For just under $13.00 it is a no brainer.
This is just two items they offer; so many more to choose from!
Check out more info about aGreatLife: