Who fed the dog….

The day starts at 5:30 am and ends somewhere around midnight in this abode.  I think sometimes to myself after I finish that last load of laundry and finally put my head to the pillow “did we feed the dog”.  LOL

Of course at this point everyone who may have fed the dog is asleep so I feed her anyhow.  Then I find out the next day that she was indeed fed.  So let’s just say she is a well-fed family pet.  Now onto the next step we took with the dog.  Vitamins..yup.  I know; who on the earth has the time for their pets vitamin regime.  But I have to tell you that after just one week of trying these products out, I actually think my pooch is getting younger.  The brand is IVS (International Veterinary Sciences).

I actually think Arthramine is magic.  This is for her bones and joints and I give her one pill each morning.  I see her moving in a totally different direction and for sure she is feeling better.  Lipiderm is jam-packed with Omega’s and really improving her skin and hair.  Doggie itching and hotspots are a thing of the past.

Finally, it goes without saying that I despise washing the dog. She is huge and I end up filthy.  Enter “Quick Bath” wipes and I am in a much better place.  These are great to “get the day off” your pet.  Also a HUGE help in today’s storm.  Such a super cool experience trying out three really cool pet products this week.

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