Worky- An All-In-One Portable Workstation

The Worky is a complete all-in-one mobile desk solution. This is not for working in Starbucks for one hour but when you need to temporarily turn a location into a remote office.


There are 15 features of the Worky that are built into the design to make for the perfect remote desk. It has a back wall, dry erase board, plugs, and a surge protector, and places to store all of your stuff.


This is not designed for that quick trip but for when you’re going to an Airbnb for a month. It is extremely well designed and thought out for working remote and turning that local dining room table into an organized section to store all of the things.


It’s not the individual features that make this amazing but how it all works together. With it’s ergonomic design of this and the extra features it really is a nice all-in-one solution. When you want to flip back to a dining room, it’s just close and away.


The entire system here gives you a nice temporary feel of your home office whenever you need me. Especially with people taking on the nomadic lifestyle much more this is an exceptionally good idea.  I’ve already put this with our suitcases and prepped for the next big family road trip.

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