It’s typical “August hot” here and I think ya’ll better be equipped to deal with this never-ending humidity. I’ve been checking out Crystal deodorant this week and couldn’t be more confident. They have some need ways to spread the good smells and I am enjoying this product test. This brand is the “original mineral salt” brand and uses no aluminum anything or harsh additives like others. I can’t believe how smooth it goes on (no stickiness at all!) and there is no residue or clothes staining at all! This is protection from the elements for a full 24 hours and you can believe me when I say that! These are scented with essential oils (my personal fave) and come in super cool fragrances like “chamomile and green tea, pomegranate, lavender & white tea and vanilla jasmine. These are completely all natural and free of all those scary/harmful chemicals like Aluminum Chlorohydrate and Parabens.
Also: and this blew my mind a little. Did you know that deodorant and antiperspirants are two different things entirely? Deodorant controls and eliminates body odor. Antiperspirants actually stop you from sweating by use of controversial ingredients that can cause other issues! Isn’t the plan to make sure we all live in harmony and not smell? LOL We totally do NOT need all this extra nonsense on and in our bodies!
I am so happy to have made a natural and healthy change for my household!